Commercial Doors require a specialized knowledge to preserve the quality and provide a durable finish that will stand up to both weather and customer abuse. In this case we almost always set up a yearly maintenance program once the doors are refinished. This allows the business to to focus on their services while we take care of the doors over the years.
We have yearly services with several Golf and Country Clubs, Churches, Commercial Condo complexes, Residential Condos, Retail establishments and National Organizations to name a few.
Call Us Today For a FREE Estimate. You’ll be glad you did!
Call: 303-554-0430 to get started!
Example #1
Project Description:
- 59 Commercial Exterior Door Strip and Refinish with Hand-Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: Solid Oak
- Town Center, Lincoln and Main St.
- Breckinridge, CO
These Doors, typical of all 59 doors on this project, on the left and above that had been refinished 3-years earlier with verethane. Note the condition of these doors on the left and above. The verethane flakes and peals and turns yellow. No matter what the verethane or varnish is covering- maple, cherry, walnut, mahogany- the door will look this yellow color in a few years after the varnish yellows, cracks and peals. We refinished the doors on the right, and after six years, with yearly maintenance, they still looked as good as the day they were refinished. Notice how the grain of the wood shows through. Our penetrating hand-rubbed oil finish will not yellow over time, or peal and flake like the verethane on the left.

Example #2
Project Description:
- Father Dyer Church
- Historic Renovation, Strip and Refinish with Hand-Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: 1/64th of an inch thick Fir Veneer
Notice again the faded color of the original finish on the left. The whole door looks the color of faded yellow varnish. On the right, look at how the natural grain of the wood comes through. Also note the darker staining we created to emphasize the cross. These doors also required some repairs as the bottom panels had problems with the veneer coat pealing off.

Example #3
Project Description:
- Main and Back Entrances of High Rise Upper-Scale Condos
- Strip and Refinish with Hand-Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: Solid Honduran Mahogany Doors and Sidelights
We did not get a “before” picture of this set of doors. However, before the refinish this door set looked yellow from the varnish that had faded over the years. When the finish was removed the natural beauty of the mahogany wood came through. With a quick reapplication of the oil each year, these doors will look this good 10-years from now.

Example #4
Project Description:
- Small Business
- Strip, Repair and Refinish
- Door Construction: Historic Solid Maple Doors
- Refinishing Process: Hand-Rubbed Oil
These beautiful historic maple doors were falling apart due to years of neglect. They had to be extensively repaired and after exposing the beautiful maple finish in the middle picture the owner wanted a dark stain, which really did not show off the maple- but that’s what they wanted. The door on the right shows the finished protected door.
Example #5
Project Description:
- 25 Commercial Doors
- Strip, Repair and Refinish with Hand Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: 1/64th of an inch thick Fir Veneer Doors
- 326 S. Main St. Centennial Square, Breck. CO
We refinished these doors 3-years ago. The owner of the property did not re-coat between the 2nd and 3rd years. All that was needed was a light hand-sanding and cleaning and then oil was reapplied over the top, and the doors looked like the day they we refinished them. Had these doors been refinished with varnish or polyurethane, they would have needed to be re-sanded again to remove the pealing and flaking finish. This would be very costly and furthermore, the veneer coat on these doors is almost completely gone, so a further sanding would have exposed the underlying finger joints. The only option left would then be painting.
Example #6
Project Description:
- 8 Historic Wood Doors
- Strip Repair and Refinish with Hand Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: Solid Wood
- Trinity Lutheran Church
Example #7
Project Description: Reveneering
- 12 Common Doors, 60 Merchant Doors
- Hyatt Main St. Station
- Strip and Refinish with Hand Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: 1/64th inch thick Fir Veneer Doors


Example #8
Project Description:
- 5 Main Lobby Doors,
- Strip and Refinish with Hand-Rubbed Oil
- Door Construction: 1/64th of an inch thick fir veneer doors
- Hyatt Regency
These 5 Lobby doors were changed in color from badly weathered light green whitewash to a natural color. This is a particularly difficult refinish as the whitewash finish and badly weathered wood usually shows up when going to a darker color. With our process, however, we were able to present the Hyatt with near perfect refinished lobby doors.

Example #9
Project Description:
- 2 Main Entry Doors for 280 Unit Condo Complex,
- Strip and Refinish with Hand-Rubbed Oil Exterior, Touch-Up and Spray Interior
- Door Construction: Solid Fir
- Plaza de Monaco
In Stripping this Frame and Door we used over 20 power and hand tools plus a lot of elbow grease!

Example #10
Project Description:
- Refinished 15 Doors in the Executive Wing from Clear to Cherry
- Finished 132 New Doors in the World’s Most Energy Efficient Commercial Building in the World for its size
- This was the highest Environmental Rating — Leed Platinum Rating for Ecology and Energy Efficiency
- Door Construction: Maple Veneer
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Example #11
Project Description:
- Replaced 2 Split Raised Panels and Repaired Other Cracks
- Door Construction: Clear Alder Veneer
- Main Entry Door at Leasing Office for Condo Complex

Example #12
Project Description:
- Refinished 47 doors, interior and exterior for Apartment Complex in Downtown Denver
- Sprayed Lacquer
- Door Construction- Maple Veneer